FBI's 2013 State Hate Crime Report Totals


For the normalized bar chart, it is easy to see once again that racial hate crimes are among the most popular in the US. Sexual orientation crimes are the next in line for the most frequently occurring. After that each crime is a little harder to differentiate in number. Gender and gender identity however are easy to identify as the least occurring hate crimes.
For the stacked bar chart, one can see that California sticks out right away. They have the highest total with a little over 800 crimes total for the year. The next in line, New York, has a whole 200 less crimes occurring, which is about a 25% decrease in difference. One easily attributable speculation however can be due to the fact that California has such a high population, which is why they have such a low per capita rate. It is easy to see the difference between per capita and raw annual totals for state hate crimes which can be very misconceiving for the reader.