US 2013 Per Capita State Hate Crime Report
*The per capita ratio was calculated per 100,000 people.
As you can see from the map, racial hate crimes are the most frequently occurring hate crimes among the whole US. Only 6 states out of the whole US have a different most frequently occurring hate crime. These six states are divided among sexual orientation, ethnicity, and religion. Another thing to note is that West Virginia has by far the biggest per capita crime rate with a per capita of 25.16 hate crimes occurring per 100,000 people. One can also see that there is a much higher concentration of high per capita ratios in the north east region of the US. Four of the top five per capita states are located in the north east region with South Dakota being an outlier in the north. There is also a trend of the southern states from the west to the east coast having lower per capita ratios.